Maria Miraglia: Translation of a poem by Oksana Zhukova (Sky) into Italian
The international team of the multilingual magazine ArtMedia presents a translation of a poem by Oksana Zhukova (Sky) into Italian by a poetess from Italy Maria Miraglia
Vivo sul pianeta dell’AMORE,
Sotto una costellazione di meraviglie e sogni ad occhi aperti.
Fuori dalla mia finestra c’è un giardino di fantasie,
Oltre le colline c’è un lago di rose.
Faccio il bagno nel mare delle speranze,
Dove un tramonto viola sta morendo,
E le pietre color terracotta e beige
Conversano con le onde azzurre.
Un’ondata di gentilezza lascia sabbia nei palmi delle mie mani
È un tocco tenero
E le nuvole piumate
Insieme al cielo, mi dai.
Author — Oksana Zhukova
Translation into Italian
Maria Miraglia
Maria Miraglia is a poet, essayist, translator, and peace activist. Her commitment to human rights and peace activism is evident in her long-standing memberships of Amnesty International and Ican, the International Observatory for Human Rights. She is also Vice President of the World Movement for the Defense of Children (Kenya) and the founder of the World Peace Foundation.
Dr. Miraglia’s influence on contemporary literature is significant. As a cosmopolitan Italian writer, her academic curriculum is impressive, placing her among the stars of the literary world. She is a founding member and Literary Director of the Pablo Neruda Association and a member of several editorial boards of international literary magazines;
Member of the International Writers Association; Member of the International Academy Mihai Eminescu; Honorary Member of Naciones Unitas de las Letras; Poet Laureate 2018, WNWU; and World Poet Laureate and Golden Medal 2020 — Xi’an, China;
She writes in Italian, English, or both languages. Her poems have been translated into over thirty languages and are prominent in over one hundred anthologies worldwide. The work that made her known to a broad audience of readers is Dancing Winds, also translated into Telugu. Among her latest anthologies, Colored Butterflies and Echi nell’Aria.
Miraglia is a writer with considerable skills. She has an exquisite imagination; her style is lucid, transparent in thought, philosophical and meaningful in substance. She has been able to skillfully intertwine emotions and creativity, philosophy, logic and reason, giving her poems an air of new beauty. Her various traits and values inspire her readers. She expresses her broad humanity, generosity, aesthetic abilities, delicate sensitivity and concern for global peace and harmony. Her originality makes her a genuinely brilliant writer.
Miraglia Maria A
Literary Director of P. Neruda
Founder President of WFP.
Member of the European Academy of Science and Arts — Salzburg
Maria Miraglia