• 02.06.2024
    Alfonso Caputo and his translation into Italian of poems from the book by Oksana Zhukova (Sky) and Tommy Barr

    ИталияThe international online magazine «ArtMedia» presents Alfonso Caputo and his translations into Italian of poems from the book «A Time of Hope» by Oksana Zhukova(Sky) and Tommy Barr. The presentation of the book took place in Italy during an exhibition of paintings by Tommy Barr. Tommy Barr’s works inspired Oksana Zhukova (Sky) to create poetry. Читать далее…

  • 07.05.2024
    Laura Gallan: «Beauty of nature inspires me to create my pieces»

    Лаура1л1My name is Laura Gallan. I am a jewellery designer and photographer based in west London. I have worked as a jewellery designer for the last 7 years. I use a wide range of materials for my one of a kind jewellery pieces, such as precious, semiprecious stones, gold,silver gold filled and leather.
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  • 07.05.2024
    Anastasia Kuzmicheva: November pies

    КузьмичеваAnastasia Kuzmicheva was born on may 16, 1974 in Minsk in a family with a long creative tradition. Her ancestors include artists, architects, and an Opera singer. In the second grade of school, Nastya wrote her first essay in verse. In 2006, she participated in Minsk, in the festival «Order of words», in 2009 — the Ninth forum of young writers
    of Russia and CIS countries, in 2010 in the forum «Kazantip poetic». One of the dearest meetings is a literary competition in London in 2016. There were also a good number of other forums and competitions.
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  • 06.05.2024
    Yaron Lambez: «My inspiration mostly comes from the beautiful canarian nature and whimsical legends»…

    X5Yaron Lambez Israel (Bat-yam) 1975.
    All my childhood was spent surrounded by art in my home where I learnt my craft. In 1998 I moved to the Canary Islands where eventually I started my artistic journey in a small village called Playa Santiago, La Gomera.
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  • 24.04.2024
    Не-Миниатюра Елены Безруковой к картине Веры Салимжановой «Девушка и Синий кит»

    КИТ1.Вера показала мне свой рисунок, Где на плотной бумаге летят сквозь толщу океана кита громада и тонкая девушка. Синий кит выгнувшись, протянул ласты к пловчихе, будто пытаясь нежно её обнять. Та бесстрашно рассекает воду рядом с ним.
    2. Много тысяч лет назад к берегу Седого океана приблизились два человеческих существа. Устроившись на краю каменного обрыва, они погрузились в созерцание бесконечной живой дали. Океан был тёплым. Маслянисто-вязкая жидкость медленно и почти бесшумно создавала волны: вверх, вниз, вверх, вниз. Морской простор дышал. И гости слегка покачивались ему в такт. Эти двое были из племени, что давало имена всему сущему.
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  • 15.04.2024
    Cathie Cayros: DAILY LIFE SCENES (Ironic short story)

    Кати Briefly about yourself:
    Cathie Cayros is my pen name. I am a member of the Eurasian Creative Guild, the Union of Writers of North America. Participant and winner of many international awards, competitions and laureates, holder of diplomas and prizes. I have more than thirty-five publications in different countries of the world. My books have been published on Amazon and other international electronic platforms. Born in Moscow, she lived in France for about 30 years, in a picturesque place, not far from the Swiss border. This 14th century fishing village, located on the shores of Lake Leman, has been admired by many artists and poets of past centuries. And now I also find inspiration for my creativity. I am a doctor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Thanks to my medical education, I have a good understanding of human psychology.
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  • 12.04.2024
    Leila Gharib «The Enchanting power»

    лейла фотоLeila Gharib is an 11-year-old Ukrainian girl who arrived in London with her family in June 2022 due to the war in Ukraine. Before coming to London, Leila studied at a drawing arts studio and actively participated in exhibitions.
    Additionally, from the ages of 3 to 7, she attended ballet and Flamenco lessons.
    Upon arriving in London, Leila had to change schools twice.
    Both schools quickly recognized her creative thinking, artistic and athletic abilities, communication skills, and her eagerness to actively engage in school life.
    Given the challenging circumstances of leaving her home and having to make significant efforts to learn a new language, culture, and rules in order to catch up with children who grew up in London, Leila faced comments from other children about her language proficiency and knowledge of subjects. However, she made a determined effort to express herself through art at school, as it was her only way to feel fulfilled and communicate in her new world. Teachers and fellow students were amazed by Leila’s artistic expressions.

    Both schools praised Leila’s exceptional drawing skills. Her artwork was showcased in school exhibitions and selected for participation in an exhibition at the Ukrainian Welcome Center on 21 Binney Street, near Bond Street in London. Leila regularly attends drawing classes at the Ukrainian Welcome Center, where she receives support and motivation to continue her studies. Recently, she has also joined clay modeling classes.

    Following the family’s move to London, Leila engaged in Irish dancing in Ealing, street dance workshops in Westminster, and some jazz. Currently, she is attending Maida Vale Ballet School and is performing well. Leila has already won first place twice in street dance battles and achieved third place in street dance choreography.

    After relocating to Westminster, Leila participated in the school choir and will join the Dood club from January. She also attended drama classes and Fashion School in Chelsea. Leila visited music classes at the Ukrainian Welcome Center, where a teacher from Germany praised her creativity.

    On April 8, 2024, Leila won the Creative Writing Contest titled «The Enchanted Power» for her brave effort in creative writing. The contest was organized by Olya D Light and the London group of multilingual writers.

    In addition to English, Leila speaks three other languages: Arabic, French, and Russian. She has started learning Spanish at her new school and is progressing well.

    Leila dreams of becoming a famous artist, traveling the world, and visiting many countries. Читать далее…

  • 10.04.2024
    Healing Words: How a Nurse’s Literature Teaches the Art of Never Giving Up

    АлдонаArtMedia Magazine’s international team presents life lessons from a nurse who writes to inspire. Today we are publishing Aldona Groups’ unique author’s guide to perseverance and determination. She talks about herself and her journey as a nurse from patient care to publishing success.
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  • 10.04.2024
    Fernanda Penna «Hope and the magic flower»

    ФернандаThe international team of ArtMedia magazine introduces our new author Fernanda.
    She lives in London, came to England from Brazil, and knows several languages. Here’s what she writes about herself:
    My name is Fernanda Penna, I am a yoga teacher, an actress, and I am currently studying to become a teacher of Portuguese, my native language. When I was still living in Brazil, I directed several theater plays and participated in web series, but after I started learning languages, my desire to write grew and now I do it as a hobby.
    Today Fernanda makes her debut in our magazine with her fairy tale «Hope and the magic flower»
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  • 06.04.2024
    The presentation of Gulsifat Shakhidi’s book «Ahriman – Lord of Darkness!» took place in London

    Гульсифат2The presentation of Gulsifat Shakhidi’s book «Ahriman – Lord of Darkness!» took place in London. In the novel «Ahriman – Lord of Darkness!», the author depicts the life of a family where patriarchy and violence from the head of the household prevail. The story unfolds in a small town, reflecting the psychological and moral issues of the Central Asian republic. Читать далее…